+ de 100.000 personas reunidas en Itaewon área que rodea a Itaewon-dong Yongsan-gu Seúl Corea del Sur    
156 muertos jovenes media 20 años 22 extranjeros +100 heridos 
국가기간뉴스 통신사 연합뉴스   2020.06.03 (수) 
 대구 22˚C 미세먼지 좋음
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수도권 교회 집단감염 확산…신규확진 29명·한달새 100명 안팎

수도권 교회 집단감염 확산
신규확진 29명·한달새 100명 안팎

수도권 교회 소모임과 종교 행사 등을 고리로 한 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 확진자가 급속도로 불어나고 있다. 고1·중2·초3∼4학년들의 3일 3차 등교수업을 하루 앞두고 코로나19가 광범위하게 확산하면서 수도권 531개교가 전격적으로 등교 중지를 결정하는 등 교회 소...
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Duration Time0:00
Progress: 0%
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 Church-tied virus cases on steady rise ahead of further school reopenings
Church-tied virus cases on steady rise ahead of further school reopenings
South Korea's virus fight hit another snag Tuesday as church-linked cluster infections in the Seoul metropolitan area continued to rise ahead of further school reopenings, a key feature of eased social distancing. The country identified 38 more cases of the new coronavirus, including 36 local infections, raising the total caseload to 11,541, according to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC). All of the new domestic cases were reported in Seoul and Incheon, west of the capital, and Gyeonggi Pr